The European Sustainability Reporting Standards are not about reporting, but about transformation.”
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires companies to report on sustainability. In doing so, they must provide detailed information on the impact of corporate activities on the environment, society and good governance (ESG).
On 31 July, the European Commission (EC) adopted the final text of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). The EC will adopt the ESRS in the form of a delegated act. The ESRS are designed to make reporting on sustainability and ESG factors of companies within the EU more accurate, common, consistent, standardised and comparable. The disclosure requirements from the first set of ESRS, which are sector-agnostic, apply to all companies within the scope of the CSRD. EFRAG will soon publish its draft version of the second set of ESRS, which contain sector-specific disclosure requirements, for consultation.
The first set of ESRS consists of:
Two generic standards
Three topical standards
In a sustainability report, the company provides insight into its strategy and policy on sustainability, how it implements it and how it scores on the relevant performance measures. The company must include the following information in its sustainability report:
Companies are required to provide limited assurance on their reported sustainability report. This is less far-reaching than reasonable assurance, but still requires cooperation with an accountant/assurance provider. Furthermore, the sustainability report must be in XHTML format and certain data points must be tagged according to a digital categorisation system. A European Single Access Point (ESAP) is currently being developed to give stakeholders insight into both financial and sustainability information.
Double materiality
The ESRS rely on a double materiality assessment to identify material impacts, risks and opportunities for sustainability reporting. The materiality assessment is the starting point for identifying key sustainability issues on which data should be collected. Double materiality has two dimensions: impact materiality (how the company affects the environment) and financial materiality (how the environment affects the company). More about double materiality can be found on our glossary page.
Sustainability due diligence process
Engagement with stakeholders is crucial to identify material sustainability issues. When identifying potential negative impacts, it is important that the company focuses on its various business activities, including identifying suppliers and other business partners (upstream) and buyers of products and services (downstream). This process is ongoing and reacts to changes in the company's strategy, business model, operations and (business) relationships to prioritise actions based on the severity and likelihood of consequences. The due diligence process should therefore not be seen as a separate part of the company's reporting processes, but as a source of feedback. The process should therefore be initiated as early as possible.
Reporting areas
ESRS 1 requires the disclosure requirements in ESRS 2, the topical ESRS and the sector-specific ESRS to include the following reporting areas:
Schematic illustration:
Regardless of the outcome of the materiality assessment, all companies are required to disclose certain information (including certain data points) based on ESRS 2 (including Appendix C).).
The sustainability report aims to provide insight to stakeholders. These are individuals who are or can be influenced by the company. ESRS 1 categorises stakeholders into two different groups:
Preparation and presentation of sustainability report
Companies must include one year of comparative information for all measures disclosed in reporting period. They must also explain any estimates or assumptions and describe how they are used in preparing sustainability information (including scenario or sensitivity analysis). Information on the metrics the company uses to evaluate its performance and effectiveness in relation to material impacts, risks and opportunities, as well as measurable, outcome-oriented targets it has set to assess progress, must also be included in the sustainability report.
The sustainability report will cover the same reporting period as the financial statements. However, a company may use a different definition of medium- or long-term time horizon if required due to sector-specific characteristics or value chain estimates
The ESRS in conjunction with the CSRD are the capstone of the existing European sustainability framework. In particular, the Principal Adverse Impacts (PAI) indicators of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) have been included in the ESRS. Furthermore, the existing terms and classification of the Taxonomy Regulation have been aligned as much as possible. There is also an overlap between the due diligence obligations in the proposed Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and the Sustainability due diligence process from the ESRS. The CSDDD and ESRS S2 (employees in the value chain) both require companies to identify social impacts within their value chains. Although ESRS S2 may be broader than the CSDDD, as its scope covers a wide range of sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities, while the CSDDD focuses only on adverse human rights and environmental impacts. In addition, the CSDDD, which will apply to many of the same companies covered by the CSRD, requires companies to prepare and publish a climate transition plan.
The impact of the ESRS will be huge for many companies. First reporting companies do not have a lot of time remaining to figure out what organisational changes are needed and what data needs to be collected. Companies will have to make major organisational changes and invest in information, risk management and control systems. A 'reassuring' thought here is that EFRAG itself has stated that sustainability is a journey, not a destination an sich…
Although 'sustainability' is a vast term, EFRAG has outlined a framework for sustainability reporting in Europe with the first set of ESRS. However, it remains challenging to fully capture the complex issues surrounding sustainability. To comply with ESRS, companies' sustainability reports must therefore be comprehensive and consider the full impact of their activities on economic, social and environmental issues. It is therefore advisable to start implementing the ESRS standards within your own company.
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