MiFID: Markets in Financial Instruments Directive

The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) is a European directive for the regulation of investment services and regulated markets.



A first version of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive has been in force in the European Union since 2007, but this directive has been amended materially in 2014. The revision of MiFID and the introduction of the European Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR), together with a large package of subordinate regulations, are referred to as MiFID II. MiFID II entered into force in 2018. 

All financial institutions must comply with MiFID II if they wish to provide investment services (such as investment advice and asset management services) or perform investment activities (such as proprietary trading). Also regulated markets and other trading platforms must comply with the rules and regulations of MiFID II.

One of the main topics addressed by MiFID II are product governance requirements. Projective Group can help you with this. 

Product governance

MiFID II ensures that financial markets function better by making them more efficient, stable and transparent. Investor protection is at the heart of MiFID II. One of the requirements of the regulation is that financial institutions must comprehensively document their services and make this information available to their clients. Since the introduction of MiFID II, each investment product that will be offered to investors must be reviewed, approved and assigned to a specific market before it can be launched.

In 2013, some European regulators began overseeing product governance. Since 2018, the requirements for product development and distribution have been further tightened for institutions covered by MiFID II legislation.

We help organisations to design product governance processes by:

  • Drafting a product governance policy; 
  • Assessing whether the current policy meets regulatory requirements; or 
  • Verifying that the policy is properly applied within the organisation.

How we can help

In addition to product governance compliance, our Risk & Compliance specialists can help you with your licence application and ongoing MiFID II compliance. Here are some of the ways in which we can help:

MiFID II Awareness

Do you want to increase the level of MiFID II knowledge within your organisation? Our MiFID II awareness course has been designed by our risk and compliance specialists. Delivered by our learning institute, The Ministry of Compliance, this online course covers the key aspects of MiFID II that apply to investment firms and financial markets. This includes investment advice and asset management, but also execution-only services and exchange trading. The e-learning also discusses the investor information requirements of other regulations. By the end of the course, you will know what the rules are in these areas and how to comply with them in practice.