Data Protection Impact Assessment


Since 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in force. This regulation regulates the handling – and processing – of personal data. Part of the GDPR is the data protection impact assessment (DPIA).

What is a DPIA?

The DPIA helps you identify the privacy risks of a new or changed data processing operation, so you can take steps to mitigate them in advance. Under the GDPR, a DPIA is mandatory when a data processing operation is likely to pose a high privacy risk to data subjects. Projective Group can help you determine in which cases it is necessary to carry out a DPIA. We can also assist you in conducting the DPIA.

What we do

Our specialists can assist you in:

  • Assessing the need for a DPIA
  • Identifying the personal data to be processed
  • Assessing whether there is a basis for processing
  • Assessing the risks to data subjects
  • Designing risk mitigation measures
  • Preparing reports to the Process Owner