External Compliance Officer

As a financial institution, you need an effective and independent compliance function. The necessary knowledge and capacity are not always available, but the function needs to be staffed with the right expertise. Our external compliance officers can offer a solution.

Compliance Officer

Having an effective, independent compliance officer is not always a given. Outsourcing may be the solution for you. Our compliance specialists take on the role of external compliance officer in an independent, appropriate and sustainable way. Projective Group creates tailor-made solutions based on the size, maturity and structure of your individual organisation.

Compliance Officer support

If you already have a compliance officer, Projective Group can support him or her. As a Compliance Consultant, we offer structural support to your Compliance Officer in carrying out compliance activities. We tailor our services and activities to your needs and you choose in which of the following areas you need support:

  • Policies and procedures
  • Laws and regulations
  • Training and awareness
  • Advise
  • Monitoring
  • Reporting

Client quote

”We are satisfied with the way we are guided through what can sometimes be a very complicated matter. Our compliance officer knows how to translate complex material into practice. The opinions offered are well-considered and relevant to the needs of our company.”

What to expect
from an External
Compliance Officer

We will work together to develop an annual compliance plan, agreeing what activities the external compliance officer will undertake. We:

  • Help you to draft, review and monitor compliance policies and procedures.
  • Proactively keep you informed about developments in financial legislation and regulations, the impact on your organisation and what steps you should take to comply with them.
  • Promote awareness and provide training for your employees through our training institute, The Ministry of Compliance.
  • Advise on the implementation of new rules and regulations, how to manage compliance risks and how to interact with regulatory authorities.
  • Monitor compliance risk management and other internal and external compliance obligations.
  • Provide regular reports on various topics, including the outcomes of tasks completed and the level of control over compliance risks.
Meet our External Compliance Officers

Short-term External Compliance Officer

Projective Group offers External Compliance Officers as long-term solutions, but also for short-term help. Our specialists are ready to jump in when you want to:

  • Replace an employee who is on temporary leave
  • Fill a compliance vacancy on an interim basis
  • Find an interim manager to manage the compliance department

Client quote

”Our External Compliance Officer is very approachable, competent and a pleasure to work with. He takes our organisation to the next level, where we feel comfortable about compliance.”

Ruler – compliance software

Our External Compliance Officers will draw up an annual risk-based programme, based on the compliance cycle. Ruler, our compliance software tool, is used to complete and record this task.

Compliance Officer

Besides offering External Compliance Officers, we also train professionals to become Compliance Officers. Using practical assignments, you will learn to carry out all the tasks required to fulfill the Compliance Officer function. An experienced Compliance Officer is individually assigned to you, and acts as your personal mentor.

If you are interested in becoming a Compliance Officer, this could be the next step in your career path.