Roadmap Wft licence application for financial service providers

The 12 steps for applying for a license with the AFM

Companies that wish to advise on, mediate in or offer financial products in the Netherlands usually need a licence from theAuthority for the Financial Markets (AFM) or De Nederlandsche Bank.

It helps if you know what is involved in such an application. For example, did you know that:

  1. There are always fees associated with a permit application, even if an application is withdrawn or denied?
  2. The concealment of antecedents in the trustworthiness review of directors is heavily charged to the applicant?
  3. If your company has been registered with the Chamber of Commerce for more than six months, it is important to explain why?

In this roadmap, we share the most important steps to obtain a licence, including useful tips and potential pitfalls. If you fill out this form, the roadmap will be sent to you by email.