As of January 2013, the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) started to supervise product development. Since January 2018, the requirements for product development and distribution for institutions subject to MiFID II legislation have been tightened even further. Even now in 2024, the AFM is paying increasing attention to product governance obligations.
The supervisor expects providers of financial products to have adequate measures and procedures in place to ensure that the financial products take the client’s interests into account in a balanced manner.
To help you get your Product Approval and Review Process (PARP) in order, our specialists have prepared an e-paper. In this document, they explain the legal requirements, outline their practical implications and provide advice on effective implementation of the policy and process.
Would you like additional support in setting up the product governance processes within your organisation? Or would you like to know whether the way in which you implement the product governance requirements is sufficient? Our consultants are happy to help. Please do not hesitate to get in touch.