Staying ahead of evolving ESG regulations and requirements is conditional for having a compliant business model. We help you stay in control of regulatory changes and adapt to new ESG laws and regulations. By helping you navigate compliance challenges, our services ensure your business operates effectively and efficiently within the boundaries of applicable ESG laws and regulations, and your ESG strategy.
In an era where ESG laws and regulations move quickly, we understand the challenges you face in implementing new ESG requirements and the difficulties in assessing and managing the risks associated with ESG in your organisation.
Projective Group helps you to embed sustainability into the DNA of your organisation to gain and maintain control. We believe this starts with gaining a solid insight and overview of ESG laws and regulations, upcoming changes, new initiatives, and market perspectives.
ESG Regulatory Compliance of Projective Group gives you the right tooling ensuring compliance with ESG regulatory requirements:
With Ruler, you can easily demonstrate the extent to which your organisation complies with the rapidly changing laws and regulations relevant to your organisation.
The workflow in Ruler is structured according to the steps of the compliance cycle. As a first, step the legal framework provides an overview of, among other things, all ESG laws and regulations relevant to your organisation. Since ESG is part of the legal framework, it is also integrated into other features of our Ruler tool.
Projective Group helps you to remain in control of regulatory change and cope with new laws and regulations.
In the ESG domain we have an experienced ESG team that can support you in all phases of the regulatory change cycle just as we offer for other laws and regulations.
Next to the Radar phase – which allows you to see all upcoming changes in regular ESG laws and regulations at a glance - we offer an extra service for ESG covenants signed. This additional service provides insight into the commitments of the ESG covenants you organisation has signed and their upcoming changes.
Our Regulatory Updates will inform you of relevant developments in laws and regulations for the financial industry, so that you can timely anticipate. You will receive a comprehensive quarterly report, tailored to your organisation. Our experts will discuss the potential impact of these changes on your organisation and what steps should be taken to implement them.
Part of our Regulatory Updates is an extensive paragraph on regulatory ESG developments.
Next to that, we offer the opportunity to easily and comprehensively understand ESG regulations that may not directly apply to you as a financial institution but that are indirectly relevant. For example, if you are planning to invest in a ‘green project.’ A good overview of ESG regulations can help you make an informed decision. You will then be able to incorporate the ESG impact into your decision-making.